
Posts Tagged ‘True Wealth’

Developing a sense of hopefulness helps us maintain a positive focus on the future.

Hopefulness has many facets. Three of the most important are: a sense of purpose, a devotion to service, and a sense of faith.

Today’s focus: Service.

Service: a positive focus on others. Making a positive difference in another person’s life offers a double blessing. When you give your time, love, and energy to others, they receive a gift… and so do you. Your gift is the pleasure and sheer joy that comes from being of service to someone else.

I’m delighted that our young people are growing up to be givers, to understand what it means and what  it takes to serve others—their family members, neighbors, as well as our sisters and brothers around the world.

Growing up, my mom and dad taught me and my sisters that wealth had nothing to do with possessions. True wealth meant valuing yourself and others. True wealth was understanding that we’re all part of the same blessed community and that our number one concern is caring for and helping one another. Serving takes the focus off ourselves and turn it others—towards helping, supporting, and nurturing someone else’s hopes and dreams.

Service is giving to others without expectation of reward. You just do it because it’s the right thing to do. You do it because it feels good. A few years ago, I was blessed to plant a few trees at a school in Kenya. I planted one in honor Maurice, a young student. Just the other day, he sent me an e-mail to let me know that “my” tree is growing well.  Made my day!

When you focus on others, you naturally concentrate on the future. How are you serving someone else today? How are you passing on your values to others?

Pass It On!

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As we move from the golden days of summer into the misty, muted days of fall, harvest time is in the air. Whatever we’ve planted this year is now ripe and ready to be plucked and savored.. or put aside until the chilly, dormant days of winter.

Burnished leaves of fall

What seeds have you planted this year that are ripe for harvest?

Here are a few stories about seeds sown from friends, family, and clients.

A home-school mom: “Every day I get to be with Rafe, my 8-year old son. Being a home-school mom is the best way I know to plant seeds that will bear fruit today, tomorrow, next week, next year, and for years to come. I wouldn’t trade this time with Rafe for anything. ”

A retired postal clerk: “In my work, I did a lot of walking over the years. Now that I’m retired, I also walk a lot, but things are different. Now I have time to slow down and talk to people. I have time to listen to the birds, enjoy the breeze, admire the trees… I even have time to stop and smell the roses. You can’t beat that.”

A teenager: “It’s been about 5 years since I last saw my dad or even spoke to him. When he left, he said he never wanted to see me or my mom again. But the other day, he called. At first I didn’t want to talk to him. But I’m glad I did. He told me it wasn’t my fault that things went bad between him and my mom. He told me how sorry he was for all the horrible things he’d said to us. Best of all, my dad told me how much he loved me. That meant the world to me.”

A hair dresser: “You would think in this recession that business would be down. In fact, it’s just the opposite. I’m doing really well. Next month, I’ll be expanding and doubling the size of my salon. For me, it’s all about relationship, about showing people how much you care. That caring attitude is what keeps people coming back… and they tell their friends. How cool is that?!”

Tell me, what seeds have you sown, and how are you harvesting your bounty of blessings and sharing your wealth with others?

The truly wealthy are those who give until it feels good.

Pass It On!

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gloriaburgess.

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Live each day as if someone else’s life depended on you. Indeed, it does. Have a blessed day!


The truly wealthy are those who give until it feels good.

Pass It On!

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gloriaburgess.

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